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| Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Aileens barndom er en rædselsberetning om manglende omsorg, tæv og seksuelt misbrug. Som 13-årig har hun fået nok og flygter hjemmefra, men kun for at opdage, at den eneste måde hun kan skaffe penge på, er som luder.
Filmen følger Aileen i den periode af hendes liv, hvor hun finder sin første og eneste kærlighed. Men det er også i denne periode at den kogende vrede inden i hende ikke længere kan kontrolleres. Hadet til mænd slår ud i lys lue og hun begynder at myrde.
En sky, ung pige er forvandlet til en følelseskold massemorder. Grusomhed, uretfærdighed og foragt har skabt et monster.
Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Charlize Theron delivers a knockout, cast-against-type performance in this gritty drama, based on the true story of Aileen Wuornos, a down and out prostitute who was sentenced to death after killing six men between 1989 and 1990. Christina Ricci co-stars as Selby Wall, a lesbian runaway who forms a romantic bond with Wuornos. Inspired by her love (even though she is not gay, strictly speaking) Wuornos tries to get a real job, but after meeting with a string of humiliating failures, she returns to work as a hitchhiking hooker, killing her first victim in self-defence after he rapes and beats her. Eventually, robbing and murdering her clients becomes almost second nature and by the end Wuornos even slays a man who was totally innocent (Scott Wilson). Theron's portrayal of this dangerous yet sympathetic character ranks with some of the greatest performances in cinema. Under heavy makeup, extra weight, and a snarling countenance, she proves herself a fearless, formidable talent, completely unrecognisable from the glamorous beauty of such films as THE ITALIAN JOB (2003) and THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE (1997). First-time director Jenkins proves herself with this fluid and engrossing work, capturing a lot of sordid detail that other movies exploring this milieu might miss; she also wrote the script, based on actual conversations and prison letters from Wuornos. The moody, paranoia-enhancing soundtrack is by electronica maestro BT. | Ekstra features:
Biographies Theatrical Trailer Scene Selection Sneak Previews Production Notes
Andre udgaver af samme produkt: | Monster | DVD (Brugt) | Med dansk tekst | 25,00 kr |  |
Awards nomineringer. |  |
| Instruktør: Nick Broomfield Patty Jenkins
Skuespillere: Annie Corley Brett Rice Bruce Dern Catherine Mangan Charlize Theron Christina Ricci Cree Ivey Glenn R. Wilder Kaitlin Riley Lee Tergesen Magdalena Manville Marc Macaulay Marco St. John Pruitt Taylor Vince Romonda Shaver Rus Blackwell Scott Wilson Stephan Jones T. Robert Pigott Tim Ware
Producent: Andreas Grosch Andreas Schmid Brent Morris Charlize Theron Clark Peterson David Alvarado Donald Kushner Mark Damon Meagan Riley-Grant Sammy Lee Stewart Hall
Forfatter: Patty Jenkins